Greetings & Welcome

Start Today For a Great Future

Welcome to Skill Bangladesh, the first digital portal for Skill Profiles in Bangladesh. It is an initiative of LCBS Dhaka ( for showcasing Bangladeshi skilled talents in the global job market.

Skill Development and Talent Management is an integral part of LCBS Dhaka business model. To facilitate internship and placement requirements of not just our learners but any learner, professional, self employed from any background whether it is technical education, Vocational, General or Professional education, be it skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled, LCBS Dhaka is pleased to introduce you to our new addition Skill Bangladesh (

This unit is staffed by placement and talent management specialists and helps place learners of all backgrounds. We are working very closely with local and international employers to understand their resource requirements to place our registered candidates with them.

To register your skill set please visit our website

Further enhancement to our services will be provided through automating the recruitment and matching process via cloud-based solutions. It will enable job seekers to list their details with specific definitions of their skill sets and required positions. Corporations and other participants in the recruitment industry can then undertake highly selective searches of candidates they require for positions.

This department is responsible for candidates registration, career transition process, placement and tracking after placement.