Rakibul Hasan Munsi
About Candidate
I am self-motivate hard working and energetic. I am willing to build up my career in Digital Marketing where I can apply my Special skills. I have tried my best to prove myself effective and highly energetic person to face any challenge.
Digital Marketing:-
Google: – Google Ads | Google Analytics | Optimization | YouTube | SEO
Retargeting | Google My Business | Strategy Reporting.
Facebook: – Business/Ads Manager | Facebook Pixel | Catalogue | Facebook Analytics
| Event Manager | Audience Insights | Reporting | Facebook App Ads | Chat Bot |
Messenger | Instagram.
Graphics Design: – Brochure | Banner | Print Media | Background Remove | Gif |
Visiting Card | Cash memo | ID Card | Adobe PhotoshopCC.
Video Editing: – Adobe Premier Pro CC | Camtasia | Basic Animation | Background
Remove | Sound Effect | Slideshow | Create a project | Transitions Effects | Motion
Graphics | Lower Thirds | ProductsReview.
SEO: – Yoast SEO | Website SEO | Image & Video Optimize | Video SEO | Keyword
Planner | Google keywordResearch.
Others Digital Platform: – LinkedIn &Twitter Marketing | Blog | Mailchimp (Email) |
Website Development: – WordPress | WooCommerce | News |E-Commerce
GPA - 3.72
Work & Experience
Job responsibility: - Web Development & Update & New Content. - Create various post and content for posting all Digital platform - Create Campaign in Facebook, Google, YouTube &LinkedIn. - Maintain Website & YouTube Channel with monetization.
Job Responsibility: - Create various post and content for posting all Digitalplatform - Create Campaign in Facebook, Google, YouTube &LinkedIn - Products photography & Create Template - Maintain Website & YouTube Channel with monetization - Create , Brochure, Cash memo, ID Card & Visiting Card - Web Development & Update & NewContent