A skills portal allows candidate to create their skill profile and allow Employers/Recruiters to create their company profile to access candidates directly from anywhere. Employers/Recruiters are able to knock or contact the right people by evaluating their skill profile and can offer the job directly. Whereas a job portal allows candidates to ...

Bangladeshi existing Skill Profiles are getting jobs through renowned international online marketplace ( Upwork, Fiverr, Skill Profiles, skillBangladesh….etc) and serving foreign clients. Employers/Recruiters who are outsourcing their jobs to these marketplaces are expecting international standard deliverables from freelancers. Foreign Empl...

Digital talents crunch

Korn Ferry’s global talent crunch study estimates that the Asia Pacific is set for a severe skills crunch due to the digital revolution with talent shortage rising to 47 million (55% of Global Shortage) by 2030 at an annual opportunity cost of $4.2 tri...

LCBS Dhaka & Development of Global Accounting Practices in Bangladesh

With the noble vision of producing a global standard skilled workforce to meet local industry needs and export human talent rather than import from neighboring countries LCBS Dhaka ...